Nil Sine Labore Lodge


How to join

To pursue your interest in becoming a Freemason and a member of the

Nil Sine Labore Lodge No. 2736, then please follow these steps:

  • Contact the Lodge Secretary by completing the contact tab.
  • Express your personal interest in becoming a Freemason.
  • Subject to you being considered eligible and properly motivated you will be asked to meet with two members of the Lodge and later complete an application form for membership.
  • You may subsequently be invited to meet with the Lodge Committee to discuss your application and to answer any questions you may have.
  • Your application will be presented at a Lodge Meeting and a secret ballot will be conducted in which Members vote on your suitability.
  • You will be notified of the result and if successful invited to attend a Lodge Meeting for your initiation into Membership.

Already a Freemason?

If you are interested in becoming a joining member of the Nil Sine Labore Lodge and are already a freemason, please contact the Lodge Secretary by completing the contact tab, with the following information:

  • Your full name & rank in freemasonry.
  • Name, number & location of your mother lodge.
  • A brief summary about yourself and why you would like to join the Nil Sine Labore Lodge
  • How you found out about us.

Proposer & seconder (if you have either).


The Welcome Project at Eastern Star 95

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Empty Chair Ceremony at Military Lodge 2621

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Cocktails rather than a pint

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