Nil Sine Labore Lodge

Lodge History

Lodge History

Established in December 1898 as a Military Lodge for serving members of, or attached to, the “Army Service Corps” (ASC), the name of the Lodge “Nil Sine Labore” means “Nothing without Work” and is derived from the Corps motto.

The Lodge Warrant was granted on the 3rd of December 1898 by the then Prince of Wales with authority to meet at the Criterion Restaurant in Piccadilly. There were 68 founding members drawn from Brethren who were Officers, Warrant Officers and NCO’s in the Corps.

The primus Master was Colonel George Parkyn, who petitioned for the formation of the Lodge with the Consecration meeting being held on the 13th January 1899, followed by Colonel Sir Frederick Clayton. Many other distinguished servicemen have been Masters, including Field Marshall HRH The Duke of Connaught and Strathearn from 1904 to 1942.

Meeting at the Criterion Restaurant until the 11th March 1910, and moving to Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen Street London WC2, which has been its meeting place ever since. The Lodge formed its associated Royal Arch Chapter also named Nil Sine Labore, in 1920.

On the 3rd of December 1959, the Lodge received from the executors of the late Colonel George Parkyn (the primus Master), his Founder’s Jewel which was presented to the Museum of Freemasonry at Freemason’s Hall where it is now displayed.

On the 13th January 1999 the Lodge celebrated its Centenary and in 2003 became a Founder Lodge of the Metropolitan Grand Lodge of London. Since then, both the Lodge and Chapter have served past and present members of the “Royal Army Service Corps” (RASC), the “Royal Corps of Transport” (RCT) and past and present members of the Royal Logistic Corps (RLC) and their sons.

Remaining a military lodge, in 1993 our by-laws were amended to wlecome members from all branches of Her Majesty’s Armed Forces and non-service personnel with an interest in either the military services or logistics as well as Freemasonry. Often there is a lot of friendly inter-service banter at our festive boards following both Lodge and Chapter meetings which many visitors enjoy listening to.

Our Mother Lodge is the Ubique Lodge No. 1798 which is affiliated to the Royal Artillery and the Lodge is a member of the Circuit of Service Lodges.


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