Nil Sine Labore Lodge



Nil Sine Labore meet on the 4th Wednesday of February, May and October 3rd Wednesday of April and 2nd Wednesday in September.

We meet in one of the Lodge rooms at the World-famous Freemasons‘ Hall which is located at: 60 Great Queen Street, London. This has been the home of the “United Grand Lodge of England” since 1775 and Freemasons have met on this site for over two centuries.

The present Freemasons’ Hall was built between 1927 and 1932 as a memorial to the 3,000 members killed during the First World War. It is one of the UK’s finest Art Deco buildings. It has recently been upgraded to give access to people with disabilities.

Starting from the Library and Museum, you can take a guided tour of the Grand Temple and ceremonial areas. There are up to five tours a day (except on days when there are events), so it is strongly recommended that you check if you are making a special journey.

To visit: call 020 7395 9257 or email the Library & Museum

Dining is enjoyed at the “Imperial Hotel” Russell Square, London after the meeting.


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